Brouzos Andreas
Field: Education with emphasis in Vocational and Educational
Tel.: 00302651005695
Fax: 00302651005846
e-mail: abrouzos@uoi.gr
Office: floor 3
Office hours: Tuesday 11.00 – 13.00 |
Research Interests:
-School Counselling
-Person-centered Counselling
-The Teacher as a Person and as a Professional
-Psychoeducational groups for children, youth, parents and teachers
-Multigrade Schools
Undergraduate courses:
The Teacher as a Person and as a Professional
Personality Theories: Research and Applications
Methodology of Educational Research I
Educational Counselling
Personal and Group Counselling in School Context
Postgraduate courses:
Counselling Skills – Personal development
Counselling Skills – Practice II
Counselling: Theory and Practic
Issues on Education |